J.G. Coram Construction Co. Inc. of Mount Airy submitted the low bid, $3.04 million, for a new public building in Holden Beach, N.C.
After opening the bids this week, however, the town’s board of commissioners decided to postpone awarding the contract until it can obtain cost estimates on demolishing the current building versus renovating and incorporating it in the project. J.G. Coram’s bid included $415,000 for renovating the existing structure.
Holden Beach plans to add a two-story, 16,400-square-foot building adjacent to the town hall. The new structure will house the police department and other offices. The town, which is located midway between Wilmington and Myrtle Beach, has become a popular vacation site whose population swells to 10,000 in midsummer.
Town Manager Steve Wheeler said the bidding process won’t have to be repeated unless the commissioners decide not to renovate the current town hall.
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